ECVC online workshop on the CAP reform

31. Dez. 2023

Workshop is held in English.
Registration only until 20th of May!
To register, please write an email to with the name, contact, and organization of the people who want to participate by the 20th of May!

The European Commission, Parliament, and Council are now negotiating the CAP reform in trilogue. Different are the aspects at stake: social conditionality, National Strategic Plans, eco-schemes, direct payments, and new entrants among others. In March, ECVC and 40 other CSOs sent a letter to the EU leaders urging them to deliver a greener, fairer, healthier, and future-proof CAP. In the same month, ECVC published a Press Release to demand that the CAP is discussed in line with the F2F Strategy. Likewise, ECVC has recently had a meeting with the Commissioner of Agriculture to check the state of the negotiations.
This workshop will be an opportunity to hear updates and discuss about the current CAP reform from both an ECVC and EC perspective. We will have two guest speakers:

    Andoni García Arriola – member of the ECVC Coordinating Committee. He will introduce the ECVC position towards the CAP and its reform
    Ricard Ramon I Sumoy – member of the European Commission DG AGRI, Unit Policy Perspectives. He will present the proposal of the European Commission for the new CAP

After each input presentation, there will be time for questions to the panelists and debate with the participants. Details here.
The event will be done in Zoom and interpretation will be available in EN, FR and ES, but participants can speak PT and IT if they wish.
In the workshop, we want to pay particular attention to youth-related policies and the issue of new entrants, both “hot topics” currently discussed in the trilogue. As a follow up, on the day after the event (28 May, from 15-00 – 17.00 CET time) the ECVC Youth Working Group will have an internal workshop to discuss in view of the Youth position paper on CAP which will be released later this year. Those young members who wish to participate in this second event please write to with the name, contact, and organization of the people who want to participate BY THE 20 OF MAY!

Let’s keep our attention up, let’s gather to talk about the CAP reform !


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