
2nd European Meeting on CSA and Emerging Distribution Systems for Food Sovereignty @ La Bergerie de Villarceaux
Feb 27 – Mrz 2 ganztägig
Reclaim the Fields European Assembly @ Warsawa, Poland
Jan 21 – Jan 24 ganztägig

Join the next Reclaim the Fields European Assembly in Poland in January 2016!

The goals of the assembly are:

  • To meet and exchange information amongst the stars and local groups since last year
  • To exchange and debate on a theme that matters to us across Europe
  • To see where we are at with our European Reclaim the Fields constellation: what was decided last year, for what results, what we need to do to continue, and what future plans do we have.
  • To have fun and build relationships between us!

The Assemblies generally bring together people already active in the RTF constellation (or those that are aware/informed on the dynamics and latest discussions of the network.) But everybody is welcome!

Tribunal Monsanto in The Hague
Okt 12 um 14:02 – Okt 16 um 15:02

Monsanto fördert ein Modell von Industrielandwirtschaft, das weltweit mindestens ein Drittel der anthropogenen Treibhausgasemissionen verursacht. Die industrielle Landwirtschaft ist zu einem grossen Teil verantwortlich für die Abnahme von Bodenfruchtbarkeit und Grundwasserreserven, für Biodiversitätsverlust und Artensterben, sowie weltweit für die Verdrängung von Millionen von Kleinbauern. Mit der Patentierung von Lebewesen und Saatgut bedroht dieses Modell die Ernährungssouveränität von uns allen.

De-growing the food sector: Consecutive Session on Food at the Degrowth Conference @ Online (BigBlueButton)
Mai 31 um 10:00 – 15:00
De-growing the food sector: Consecutive Session on Food at the Degrowth Conference @ Online (BigBlueButton)


What can I expect?

The entire food system needs radical change in order to provide healthy, nutritious food for all and within planetary boundaries. Worldwide, social struggles for the right to food and food sovereignty are developing new forms of cooperation in the food system. As part of the online Degrowth Conference, we host the consecutive session “De-growing the Food Sector”, in which we want to get to know and learn from already existing, successful food initiatives and derive strategies for a degrowth society. The detailed invitation can be found attached.

Get to know the full program of the conference 

Learn more about the people, ideas and projects:
Olivier de Schutter:  Talk on Transition: Changing Society without Seizing Power
IPES Food: How we can change our food systems: Integrated Food Policy
IPES Food: How can we feed the world? By asking the right questions
Bürgergenossenschaft Mals (Deutsch)
The model of Copenhagen
La Vía Campesina: Together we can cool the planet


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