Reclaim the Fields European Assembly

15. Jan. 2016

21. Januar 2016 – 24. Januar 2016 ganztägig
Warsawa, Poland
Reclaim the fields

Join the next Reclaim the Fields European Assembly in Poland in January 2016!

The goals of the assembly are:

  • To meet and exchange information amongst the stars and local groups since last year
  • To exchange and debate on a theme that matters to us across Europe
  • To see where we are at with our European Reclaim the Fields constellation: what was decided last year, for what results, what we need to do to continue, and what future plans do we have.
  • To have fun and build relationships between us!

The Assemblies generally bring together people already active in the RTF constellation (or those that are aware/informed on the dynamics and latest discussions of the network.) But everybody is welcome!


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